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Mud Gallery: Olympia Arts Month

In March 2021, three MLA students submitted this project, entitled Mud Gallery, to Olympia Arts Month in Olympia, Washington. We are a group of three landscape architecture students from Olympia, Seattle and Baltimore. We share a deep love of this region and a desire to connect people with place. We are excited about the way the community of Olympia is coming together right now to decide the future of Capitol Lake, formerly the Deschutes Estuary or the Steh-Chass. For our…

Racial Equity Within Built Environment Design Practice

In my final year of the MLA program, I’ve been given the opportunity to participate in the Applied Research Consortium (ARC), a new program within the college that links graduate students, faculty members, and firms to research a topic that aligns student interest, faculty expertise, and firm needs. I am leading a year-long research project focused on racial equity within built environment design practice. More specifically, I am looking at how perceptions of firm culture within private practice affect employee…

Autumn 2020 News

Dear alumni and friends, I hope this letter finds you and those close to you are safe and well.  As we begin a new academic year, we are fully engaged in an online experience for our students, staff and faculty. Building from student feedback after their rapid transition to online education last spring term, our staff and faculty have worked assiduously to provide the students with a high-quality education and a diverse set of opportunities to learn about the field,…