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Auburn Alleyway Activation: MLA Project

What happens when you turn an uninviting alleyway lined with dumpsters over to UW Landscape Architecture students? The city of Auburn, Washington discovered these possibilities for such a space when three 2018 MLA graduates (Allison Ong, Sylvia Janicki, and Jack Alderman) developed a proposal for an alleyway in historic downtown on an independent study project through UW Livable City Year.

Alumni Spotlight: Kara Weaver, BLA ’05

For this edition of Alumni Spotlight we had the opportunity to speak with Kara Weaver, a landscape architect at Gustafson Guthrie Nichol (GGN) and a 2005 graduate of the BLA program. UW/LA: Could you describe your current position and what a typical day looks like for you? K: Right now I am the Project Manager for the Civic Park at Hemisfair in San Antonio, Texas. It’s sort of San Antonio’s counterpart to the Seattle Center, which was built for the…