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UW//LA JEDI Newsletter SPR ’22

Our Department JEDI Committee Year End Reflection On behalf of the Landscape Architecture department, the JEDI Committee would like to acknowledge that these onerous and tragic times of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, blatant attacks on human rights nationally and globally, and racially motivated murders of BIPOC people, continue to impact our ability to show up and remain energized and hopeful in our day to day lives.  Particularly in these times of difficulty, we must find strength in community, support in…

Our Department JEDI Committee

Year End Reflection On behalf of the Landscape Architecture department, the JEDI Committee would like to acknowledge that these onerous and tragic times of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, blatant attacks on human rights nationally and globally, and racially motivated murders of BIPOC people, continue to impact our ability to show up and remain energized and hopeful in our day to day lives.  Particularly in these times of difficulty, we must find strength in community, support in one another and for…

CBE Diversity Council Updates

CBE BIPOC Lunch  Mark your calendars and please join us on Thursday, June 2nd for this quarter’s College-wide BIPOC lunch event! We will be serving banh mi sandwiches from Saigon Deli again along with other refreshments and hope to see you there!  Take a break from all the hard work you are putting in and treat yourself to some yummy food and community! We are asking that folks RSVP no later than Tuesday, May 31st using the Google form below…

Student Feature – Yes Farm Charrette 5/7/22

The Black Farmers Collective (BFC) is working to develop a 1.5 acre urban farm in Yesler Terrace for community building, educational programming and growing a Black-led farm co-op. Led by UW CEP graduate, Shabazz Abdulkadir, with the help of MLA candidates Leila Jackson and Jiahua Zou, BFC is working to design more welcoming and accessible entrances to the YES farm. On May 7th, landscape architecture students, faculty and professionals gathered for a design charette to discuss and identify opportunities for…

UWASLA Youth Outreach Updates

In the month of May, UWASLA Youth Outreach Project: Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures worked with the Duwamish River Community Coalition (DRCC) Youth Corps on a design mock studio to redesign Jack Block Park. Each workshop began with a presentation regarding the day’s topic, then in smaller teams, the youth collaborated on completing an activity that was related to Jack Block Park and the topic of the day. Workshop activities included a CBE Student Panel, a site…

PAC JEDI Committee Updates

About Did you know that the department’s Professional Advisory Council (PAC) has its own JEDI Committee?  The mission of this Committee is “to provide a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive forum where students and professionals from all backgrounds, and having a range of perspectives and life experiences are welcomed and supported. The committee’s work fosters this culture of justice and inclusivity both within the Professional Advisory Committee and in the larger academic and professional spheres it touches.” This year, several…

Upcoming JEDI Events

Gardens for BIPoC Graham Visitor Center, Washington Park Arboretum Ongoing, Monthly Schedule, ​​Gardens for BIPoC is a new, free monthly tour that takes place in the Washington Park Arboretum, serving folks that identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a person of color. These groups have historically been underrepresented and underserved in public garden programs. We hope that our free tours can help remove some barriers BIPoC folks may have to accessing our gardens as well as create a safe and…

WASLA | Call for Design Leads – Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures

For the next cohort UWASLA Youth Outreach; Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures, will be working with DRCC Youth Corps on a series of events to redesign Jack Block Park. We are looking for people interested in joining the events to lead the youth in the process of design. Please refer to the flyer for more information regarding the project. A LOOK INSIDE THE PROJECT: In the month of May, Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures, will…