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Landscape Architecture Students Design and Build Microhome

Population Tiny Home UW BLA students, Hanbeom Lee, Vasilisa Karp, and Jessica Liao, participated in the MICROHOME Tiny House Design Competition. During their research on the chosen topic of housing for individuals experiencing homelessness, they discovered the Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) and decided to build a tiny house themselves in order to better understand how these houses are constructed in order to improve upon them. The trio of students were able to realize their thorough plans and create a…

Summer Design Build 2022 in Traena, Norway

We welcome back some of our students who went to Traena, Norway to complete their Design/Build with Daniel Winterbottom and co-instructors Luka Jelusic and Mate Rupic!  A group of 16 students, some matriculated at UW, left the US in the middle of June 2022 to work on a design/build project on a small island off the coast of Norway for five weeks. Students were asked to create a unique space that could be offered year-round to the local community as…

Inaugural Landscape Architecture Furniture Studio

During Autumn 2021, the Furniture Studio, a legacy course in the Architecture department, was offered to Landscape Architecture students for the first time. While the focus on craft and material remained constant, the context of the work provided a unique scale and scope not previously used in furniture studios. Architecture faculty members Kimo Griggs and Steven M. Withycombe worked with 12 MLA and BLA students to design and fabricate landscape furniture. Students receive a primer on lumber dimensions and wood…

2018 Building New Global Connections | Croatia Design/Build

This story originally appeared on College of Built Environments website on October 23, 2019. You can see the original story here. The UW Landscape Architecture Croatia Design/Build program gives students the unique opportunity to make a lasting, physical impact in their host community. Professor Daniel Winterbottom, an expert in the creation of healing and therapeutic gardens, leads the program. With Professor Winterbottom as their guide, students explore the role of restorative landscapes in the built environment through hands-on learning. They…

2018 Design+Build in Dals Langed, Sweden

In collaboration with students from HDK-Steneby, a design and crafts school located in Dals Långed, 15 students from University of Washington’s College of Built Environments, led by Professor Daniel Winterbottom, worked with the local immigrant and refugee community to create a community garden intended to improve well-being, alleviate the stresses of the integration process and connect this group with the broader community. The project goal was to create a deeper level of trust, connection and mutual respect between longtime residents…