Please join us for our Final Reviews starting the week after Thanksgiving.
Author: vnl2
UWLA Students and Faculty Attend CELA 2024 in St. Louis
Students Nat Gregorius and Natalie Weiss (both MLA ‘24) had a great time attending the Conference of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2024 in St. Louis over Spring Break! They both presented our ongoing research with Associate Professor Catherine De Almeida, and listened to other sessions, panels, and speeches by professors of landscape architecture…
Professor Jeff Hou Retires from the Department of Landscape Architecture
Professor Jeff Hou, former Chair and long-time Professor of Landscape Architecture, is retiring from the University of Washington after more than 23 years of teaching, research and service in support of our community. We are excited to see him step into the next phase of his work and life as the Head of Architecture at…
Welcome to Spring 2024!
We’re enjoying some sunshine after our long PNW winter, and have lots to report in the stories listed below. Save the Date! Chelina Odbert of Kounkuey Design Initiative will be giving our annual PAC Spring Lecture on Wednesday May 8, 2024. The lecture will begin at 6:30pm in Architecture Hall 147 with a reception to precede at 5:30pm in the lobby.
Drawing in Design Lecture: Chip Sullivan + Elizabeth Boults – Friday 4/5
Join us for our Spring Drawing in Design Lecture with Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults entitled “Wisdom of Place: Recovering the Sacred Origins of Landscape”. See you on Friday April 5 at 5pm in Gould 322.
Drawing in Design Lecture: Raven Juarez – Friday 2/9
INVITING YOUR INNER CHILD OUT TO PLAY: CREATIVE INVITATIONS Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy for a child to pick up a paintbrush or a crayon and simply start to create without any fear or anxiety about the blank page ahead of them? How is it so easy for them to tap into their creative energy and begin to work, experiment, and create not only quickly but also joyfully? It is because drawing is one of a child’s…
End-of-Year Note from the Chair
I hope this letter finds you and those close to you doing well as we enter the holiday season here in the U.S. This has been a year of change in the department as we have bid farewell to several faculty and welcomed new… yet there is a buzz of excitement again among our students, faculty, and others in the classrooms and studios.
Autumn Quarter – End of Quarter Review Schedule
Come check out the projects our students have been working on all quarter long : )!
Remembering Bob Buchanan
It is with great sadness that we remember Professor Emeritus Robert Buchanan. He passed away on July 31, 2022 surrounded by his loved ones. Bob was a beloved professor and mentor, and the second Chair of our Department of Landscape Architecture from 1969-1995.