Digital and physical models of Jack Block Park from 2.11 and 2.18 workshops at Denny International Middle School.
The UW Diversity Seed Grant funded the project “Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures” under the leadership of UWASLA Youth Outreach Chair Maria Arevalo (BLA ‘23). Maria has continued to work with students of Proyecto Saber at Denny International Middle School (see our last newsletter for a recap of the first session). Fellow UWASLA students Erin Irby (MLA ‘22), Heewon Kim (BLA ‘22), Isa Lewis (BLA ‘23), and Katie Rankin (BLA ‘23) helped support curriculum development and presentations in three additional sessions in January and February. These lessons focused more specifically on social and water justice issues in the context of their design site, Jack Block Park. These workshops empowered students to design and present interventions that respond to critical needs they’ve self-identified using either physical and/or digital models built in Minecraft. Our UWASLA team reports that creative engagement was high because of the ability to apply critical thinking to a real world site – once students were introduced to both processes and tools to map out spatial design goals, they had very clear objectives and oftentimes unique and surprising interests they wanted to pursue. Read on to see how you can participate in future events!
Proyecto Saber Mock Studio Presentations – Call for Reviewers!
We are reaching out to current students and professionals to join us on the students final presentation day on March 18, 2022 8:30am-3:00pm at Denny International Middle School. Reviewers are asked to commit to class times (google form signup), as they will be changing every 50 minutes. The format of this event is a gallery walk where reviewers interact with students and leave comments on projects. As this is the first introduction and exposure to Landscape Architecture and design professionals for many of these students, we ask that reviewers support this exploratory phase by centering focus and curiosity on student priorities and interest.
What: Call for Reviewers
When: March 18, 2022 @8:30-3:00pm (1 hour commitment minimum – signup for time slots)
Where: Denny International Middle School – 2601 SW Kenyon St, Seattle, WA 98106
Why: To provide support and learn about youth interest and needs for their community.
How: Gallery walk style presentation for each class period (50 minutes), where reviewers are welcomed to interact and engage with students and projects. As reviewers you are welcomed to commit to the whole schedule or select times that work best for you (see google form)
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer please fill out the google form below. If you have any questions please contact Maria Arevalo at