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  • Congratulations to UW 2024 ASLA Award winner

    September 5, 2024

    Map of seattle street end parks

    Congratulations to Lily Daniels (UWLA '24) on receiving the 2024 ASLA Award of Excellence in Communications, for their project "Where the Street Ends." This project was advised by UWLA department chair Ken Yocom. Project Statement: "Seattle's abundant waterways and shorelines create unique spaces where human experience and nature thrive together. This project delves into the…

  • Design Build Update: Quint Family Sensory Garden

    August 29, 2024

    The Quint Family Sensory Garden was UW Landscape Architecture's most recent design-build project, led by professor Daniel Winterbottom. The Kline Galland Home provides skilled nursing and rehabilitation services. Over the course of two quarters, UWLA students worked to design and realize the sensory garden. The garden was opened in June 2024, and  provides space to rest, explore…

  • 2024 Urban Sites Studio: Project 2

    August 15, 2024

    Winter Quarter 2024 | Instructors: Catherine De Almeida, Vincent Javet Students explored depaving and site-based strategies for reimagining parking lots in Pioneer Square and Capitol Hill as public spaces. The projects consider the material dimensions of each site, exploring potentials for material reuse, the breaking up of impervious surfaces (asphalt) to incorporate pervious surfaces (depaving),…

  • 2024 Urban Sites Studio: Project 1

    August 15, 2024

    Winter Quarter 2024 | Instructors: Catherine De Almeida, Vincent Javet Students selected a story from Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities and were asked to imagine their modeled surfaces as a narrative landscape that interprets some of the main concepts, elements, characteristics, essences, and spatial and character cues, and how this plays out in their landscape. We…

  • Green Futures Lab Students Win Climate Solutions Prize

    August 5, 2024

    Designing Climate Responsible City graphic showing current vs optimized urban layout

    Snapshot of the Green Future Lab's award-winning project: Designing the Climate Responsible City Did you know that UW Green Futures Lab Scan Design Interns won one of the two Climate Solutions prizes, as part of CBE’s Climate Solutions symposium this past spring?!  There were over 40 entries and Constantine Chrisafis’ (MLA/MUP ’25) posters describing our Designing the…

  • Landscape Architecture 300 Students Present in First Summer Review

    July 25, 2024

    LARCH 300 Students pose for the camera with their presentation Landscape Architecture 300: Introduction to Landscape Architecture is a course designed to introduce and immerse new students to the field of landscape architecture. Taught by lecturer Shaunta Butler and assisted by reader/grader Piper Sallquist (MLA '26), this intensive summer course covers a breadth of topics…

  • Landscape Architecture Students Design and Build Microhome

    July 25, 2024

    selfie of students who worked on tiny house

    Population Tiny Home Students Jessica Liao, Vasilisa Karp, Hanbeom Lee, and friend bringing their tiny house design to life. UW BLA students, Hanbeom Lee, Vasilisa Karp, and Jessica Liao, participated in the MICROHOME Tiny House Design Competition. During their research on the chosen topic of housing for individuals experiencing homelessness, they discovered the Low Income…

  • Wapato Pond Opening at UW Farm

    July 15, 2024

    path way to bench with solar panel roof and pond

    Overview of the new wapato pond at the UW Farm designed and built by MLA student Kove Janeski.

  • Kline Galland Quint Family Sensory Garden Celebration

    July 3, 2024

    Design build students and professor posing for a group photo

    On June 6th, 2024, Kline Galland community members and staff gathered with our 2024 UWLA Design Build students and families to dedicate the Quint Family Sensory Garden.

  • 2024 Student Showcase: WASLA Awards and Capstone presentations

    July 2, 2024

    Abstract figures holding each other, one colorful, one silhouette

    As we look back on the 2023-24 school year, we reflect with pride on the amazing work our students have produced.

  • Alumni Spotlight: Yuqing Zhang (MLA '21)

    June 13, 2024

    This month we are highlighting alumni Yuqing Zhang! Yuqing graduated from the MLA program in 2021. With an interest in historical preservation and community engagement, she loves to combine holistic understandings of the past and present to project landscapes into the future. She grew up in the historic core of Suzhou, China. Frequent visits with…

  • Announcing our 2024 WASLA Award Winners

    May 31, 2024

    At long last, we would like to thank everyone who submitted their work to the WASLA Awards this year. We appreciate your participation during such a busy year and spring quarter! 

  • UW Earthlab Announces 2024-25 Innovation Grants Projects: JC3 and Collaborators Chosen for Feasibility Report in South Park for Biodigester

    May 22, 2024

    image of large balloon biodigester on a farm

    EarthLab has announced that five community-centered teams have been selected for the 2024-25 Innovation Grants program. The UW // LA department's own Catherine De Almeida (Associate Professor) will be the Principal Investigator on one of the chosen teams, along with Graduate Student Assistant Sarah Chu (MLA '25). Each team will receive $80,000 to research and develop…

  • Spring End-of-Quarter Reviews

    May 20, 2024

    All are welcome to check out our end-of-quarter reviews beginning Wednesday, May 29th!

  • PAC Spring Lecture: Chelina Odbert

    April 29, 2024

    Children sit on sign that says North

    Join us on Wednesday, May 8th from 6:30-8p in Arch Hall 147! Chelina Odbert, the co-founder and CEO of Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI), will explore her path from design school to the inception of a global, mission-driven planning and design practice. She believes in the power of community-engaged design to advance racial, environmental, and economic…

  • UWLA Students and Faculty Attend CELA 2024 in St. Louis

    April 10, 2024

    students at St louis Arch

    Students Nat Gregorius and Natalie Weiss (both MLA ‘24) had a great time attending the Conference of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2024 in St. Louis over Spring Break! They both presented our ongoing research with Associate Professor Catherine De Almeida, and listened to other sessions, panels, and speeches by professors of landscape architecture...

  • Professor Jeff Hou Retires from the Department of Landscape Architecture

    April 1, 2024

    Professor Jeff Hou, former Chair and long-time Professor of Landscape Architecture, is retiring from the University of Washington after more than 23 years of teaching, research and service in support of our community. We are excited to see him step into the next phase of his work and life as the Head of Architecture at...

  • Welcome to Spring 2024!

    March 22, 2024

    Student illustration of UW Quad Cherry Blossoms during our Spring 2018 Drawing Workshop with Ron Henderson.

    We’re enjoying some sunshine after our long PNW winter, and have lots to report in the stories listed below.  Save the Date! Chelina Odbert of Kounkuey Design Initiative will be giving our annual PAC Spring Lecture on Wednesday May 8, 2024. The lecture will begin at 6:30pm in Architecture Hall 147 with a reception to…

  • Drawing in Design Lecture: Chip Sullivan + Elizabeth Boults - Friday 4/5

    March 22, 2024

    Join us for our Spring Drawing in Design Lecture with Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults entitled "Wisdom of Place: Recovering the Sacred Origins of Landscape". See you on Friday April 5 at 5pm in Gould 322.

  • Furniture For Keeps: A New Approach to Sustainable Furniture Fabrication

    March 14, 2024

    Rather than the traditional approach of having students purchase virgin lumber, our department chose to source lumber from the UW Salvage Wood Program for this year's Furniture Studio cohort. To learn more about our furniture studio course and this unprecedented practice of utilizing salvaged wood, check out our StoryMap created by MLA student Joanna Chen!