On Thursday, November 9th, the U District Partnership, the Lid I-5 campaign, and the UW Scan Design Master Studio will be hosting a community vision workshop focused on lidding Interstate 5 between NE 45th and NE 50th Streets. People of all walks of life are encouraged to come out and share their ideas for how they would like to see the area transformed by a freeway lid. With about 13 acres of land that could be created by the project, the opportunities are significant.
It is undeniable that Seattle’s U District is a neighborhood on the rise. Gleaming towers, both newly completed and still in the works, are creating a new skyline for the area. A walk along NE 45th Street west from the university campus reveals a landscape dense with housing, businesses, and public transportation options, including a Link light rail station that has become a focal point for activity in the neighborhood since its opening in 2021.
Read the full article for more information.