In the month of May, UWASLA Youth Outreach Project: Empowering BIPOC Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Design Futures worked with the Duwamish River Community Coalition (DRCC) Youth Corps on a design mock studio to redesign Jack Block Park.
Each workshop began with a presentation regarding the day’s topic, then in smaller teams, the youth collaborated on completing an activity that was related to Jack Block Park and the topic of the day. Workshop activities included a CBE Student Panel, a site visit, and a charette, and covered topics including environmental justice, the ecology of the PNW and water justice.
As of May 31, UWASLA Youth Outreach has completed this year’s objectives, and successfully worked with two different student cohorts: Denny International Middle School and DRCC Youth Corps. Come check out some of the student work on the 3rd floor of Gould!