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Kove Janeseki featured in UW Farm Weekly Newsletter (10.11.23)

Kove Janeski (UW Farm Operations Lead) writes: The UW Farm has been experimenting with cereal cultivation this growing season: we have grown and are processing multiple wheat varieties at the Center for Urban Horiculture Farm site and are also testing out a small planting of quinoa within Mercer Court’s Chenopodiaceae plot. Alongside the Farm’s other chenopods, such as beet and chard, the Farm’s quinoa has grown over 6 feet tall!

Sherry Xu (MLA ’22) in Kubota Garden Foundation Newsletter

Meet Sherry Xu When I first entered Kubota Garden, I was struck by its unique and traditional Japanese landscape features. I wanted to know more about how such a beautiful Japanese garden was designed, built, developed, and maintained, so I decided to volunteer with the Kubota Garden Foundation. To learn more about Kubota Garden, I decided to participate in the “Tuesdays in the Garden” events first. During the weekly mulching and weeding activities, I was fortunate to meet many volunteers…

Summer Design Build 2022 in Traena, Norway

We welcome back some of our students who went to Traena, Norway to complete their Design/Build with Daniel Winterbottom and co-instructors Luka Jelusic and Mate Rupic!  A group of 16 students, some matriculated at UW, left the US in the middle of June 2022 to work on a design/build project on a small island off the coast of Norway for five weeks. Students were asked to create a unique space that could be offered year-round to the local community as…