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Presentation by James Rojas

Imagination by Participation James Rojas, founder of Place It! & Latino Urban Forum Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 Time: 12 to 1pm Place: Gould 440 James Rojas holds an MA in City Planning and an MS in Architecture Studies from MIT. He works as a city and transportation planner, and is the founder of the Latino Urban Forum, a non-profit dedicated to increasing awareness of planning and design issues facing low-income Latinos. He is a contributing author for Insurgent Public…

Runstad Fellows Presentation

The UW Runstad Affiliate Fellows present: Place Capital: A Live Documentary Film About Cities October 3rd, 6:30pm From travels to Berlin, Krakow, Fukushima and Detroit, this year’s Runstad Affiliate Fellows featuring our very own Ken Yocom as they present a live documentary film about the changing nature of cities. From centers of trade to nodes of information and culture, the Fellows share stories about cities that have experienced destruction and renewal. What makes places resilient? How will the sharing economy…

Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications, Prof Lynne Manzo’s new book just released

Professor Manzo’s new book, Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications has just been released September 2013. “Lynne Manzo and Patrick Devine-Wright have made an excellent work in assembling an international and interdisciplinary team of authors, who provide up-to-date knowledge of current state of research on theoretical, methodological, and applied issues related to one of the most fascinating and elusive concepts of environmental psychology.” – M. Vittoria Giuliani, ISTC-CNR, Italy In this multidisciplinary book, Manzo and Devine-Wright draw together…

Autumn Quarter Events

We want to wish all of our returning students and new students a big UW Welcome to the CBE! This is scheduled to be a great year with a bunch of wonderful speakers and events.  This is a tentative list of events that will be sponsored by the Landscape Department this Fall.  Be sure to check out other Department calendars for a list of their events.   We will be posting the most recent events on the homepage, so check…

Barbara Swift Elevated to ASLA Fellow!

The American Society of Landscape Architects has elevated Barbara Swift to the ASLA Council of Fellows for her work.  The Designation of Fellow is conferred on individuals in recognition of exceptional accomplishments over a sustained period of time.   Below are some examples of the type of work Barbara Swift at her firm Swift and Company produce. Grand Teton National Park   Ballard Commons   The Landscape Department is proud to have Barbara Swift on our Professional Advisory Committee where…

2008 Fircrest Therapeutic Garden

Fircrest School is the only state Residential Habilitation Center located in the Puget Sound urban corridor and provides housing and services for two hundred of the most severely disabled residents of Washington State*. The eighty six acre facility is located in Shoreline WA, just north of Seattle. The existing campus was built upon the infrastructure of a WW II military barracks and was used as a tuberculosis quarantine center following the end of the war until acquisition by the state…

2007 White Center

Project Statement: A neglected park in a striving and diverse community was redesigned to reflect and celebrate its many cultures using art, ecology and recreation. An attached wetland area previously overrun by invasive species was restored. The park demonstrates green building practices, serves as a model for residents to learn sustainable strategies, and functions as an outdoor classroom for youth. The community process, design and construction were completed as a collaboration between the King County Parks and Recreation Division and…