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Emotional Infrastructure: Through time, place and disruption, fostering a culture of care in post-earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand

This research examines how everyday environments supported healing, grounding, and emotional re-settling for residents of Christchurch, New Zealand, following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. It uncovers the emotional infrastructure of post-earthquake Ōtautahi/Christchurch, defined as the social and spatial aspects of place that support emotional processing, sense of belonging, and a collective capacity for care. This conceptual framework is grounded in 16 in-depth qualitative interviews that yielded four key themes: stability, reference, understanding and agency, each emerging from residents’ descriptions of their post-earthquake experiences. Together, these four themes assist in the location of self in time and place when disturbance has ruptured attachments and prompted a loss of footing. With application beyond the context of the Christchurch earthquakes, this framework offers insight into processes of “unsettlement” and “re-settlement,” and associated emotional needs more broadly. Recognizing that the earthquakes disrupted what could be considered a damaging normal, this research highlights disturbance as a potential opportunity for a re-evaluation of values and priorities, a re-assertion of Indigenous identity, an infusion of creativity and intentionality in city-making, and a sense of shared purpose. Ultimately, this thesis advocates for a process of emotional infrastructuring that centers on fostering cultures of care, offering insight into the role of design and planning in reconciling the past, welcoming the future, and reframing disturbance as an opportunity for adaptation to a dynamic new normal.


Planning For Pest Readiness: Building Climate Resilience in Seattle’s Urban Forest with a Community-centric Approach

The urban forest not only plays an important role in providing ecological benefits, but it is also positively associated with public health, especially for communities of color and low-income people who already suffer from environmental injustice. In the fields of landscape architecture and urban forestry, invasive tree pests have rarely received much attention in the planning and design of the urban environment. Yet, they have the potential to weaken and kill massive amounts of trees because they can spread without the control of natural enemies. With the effects of climate change, urban trees will be under greater stress, which makes them even more vulnerable to pests.

This thesis focuses on pest resilience as an integral part of urban forest stewardship through a community-centric approach. Using GIS analyses and case studies, I identify the most ecologically and socially vulnerable communities in Seattle based on their susceptibility to pest infestation and summarize best practices for education and engagement for tree care. I further develop a community engagement framework with an emphasis on environmental justice, while providing resources and recommendations for the City of Seattle and community organizations to approach the pest issue. I also discuss the implications of this research for the urban forest departments in Seattle and for landscape designers.