by Chris Copeland (MLA 2025)
In the summer of 2023, Pacific Horticulture held a design competition to support new planting ideas for Pioneer Park in San Francisco, CA. Working with an historic site like Coit Tower, which can attract up to one hundred and fifty thousand visitors per year, our team wanted to use this opportunity to draw attention to the historic ecosystems of California. These communities of plants and animals are iconic and beloved. However, in a changing and increasingly unstable climate, we wanted to provoke visitors to imagine how changing ecologies could still be vibrant, biodiverse, and beautiful. We won top prize, and below is a repost from the award website.
Top Prize Winner
Migrating Mosaics – Site Plan
Sarah Chu, Chris Copeland, Liz Forelle, Matt Jernigan (all MLA 2025)
Chosen Themes: Growing for Biodiversity, Drought and Fire Resilience, Nature is Good for You, Garden Futurist, Sustainable Growing