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Lynne Manzo Book Receives EDRA Achievement Award

The EDRA Achievement Award is given in recognition of a specific contribution or achievement that advances the field of environmental design research through the generation of knowledge, public service, or professional practice, for coherent recognizable body of work or activities by an individual or group. Recipients for 2014 include Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications, edited by Lynne Manzo and Patrick Devine-Wright, a book unique in exploring applications of place attachment theory and research to such topics as global climate change, mobility studies, public housing redevelopment, intergroup conflict, nature resource management, environmental criminology, pro-environmental behavior and civic engagement.

Environmental Design Research Association is an international, interdisciplinary organization founded in 1969 by architects and psychologists concerned with integrating people’s needs in shaping the built environment. EDRA exists to advance and disseminate environmental design research, thereby improving understanding of the inter-relationships of people with their built and natural surroundings toward creation and curation of environments responsive to human needs. For more information, visit www.edra.orgPlace Attachment on Amazon.

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